
The annual Franchisee Relationship Questionnaire contained a new inquiry asking to what extent you believe the A&W Environmental Leadership strategy is right for your business and the overall A&W brand. The average score was 3.8 out of 5. Qualitative comments suggest the majority are on-side with this strategy and would like to see more being done.

This website has been built to help us share our overall progress and initiatives. It also aims to further engage Operators across the country in discussions of what they believe is environmentally responsible in their restaurants and to provide a forum for sharing their experiences and knowledge with other Operators.


The majority of your staff view A&W as environmentally responsible, with more than half believing we are environmentally “very responsible.” A side note: in BC, staff are less likely to view A&W as environmentally responsible, and more likely to say "neutral" rather than view them as irresponsible.

It is important to build the support of all staff as well as their understanding of the changes to come as we make progress.

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